Over five years ago, I read in Victorious Family’s Blog about a new coaching certification program to help families to flourish.
Other coaching programs are great, but none focus entirely on how to disciple families, particularly parents in the task of reaching their children with the gospel message.
I was surprised to learn that one thought leader had figured out how to equip a generation of parents to reach a generation. Let me introduce you to Terence Chatmon, a successful senior executive in corporate America, served in leadership roles with several Fortune 500 companies. He was challenged by his wife to chart a course for the spiritual growth of his family and children. After much prayer, he took what he knew from his corporate-world success and biblical teaching to develop one of the world’s most transformational step-by-step family spiritual development processes.
Starting in his own home, with his family, he started a family discipleship process that has now expanded globally. Churches, Christian Camps, and Christian Schools now implement his family discipleship plan to reach a generation of children that maybe unreachable by traditional means.
Due to the exponential growth, Victorious Family – Home – Victorious Family – was birthed. The non-profit ministry offers training, coaching, and transformational tools for parents who desire to be equipped to share their faith with children for generations to come.
Now Victorious Family has launched its Master Family Champion trainer and coaching certification program online to keep up with demand for workshops and online coaching.
Most parents who value Christian faith want their children to enjoy a vibrant, growing relationship with God, both now and throughout their lives. Why is it so difficult to navigate your children’s faith journey in the current culture?
The issues are clear states Chatmon, “faith flight is real, 75% of our youth are walking away from the church after high school. 65% of parents feel totally inadequate to train their children in the faith. Biblical literacy is at its lowest point in history. Only 6% of youth has a biblical worldview. Less than 10% of families pray together. Less than 5% of Christian read the Bible at home together as a family. Less than 3% of Christians are equipped to share their faith. Less than 1% of Christian parents have a written spiritual development plan to lead, guide, and direct their children in the faith.”
The bottom line is, parents love their children, they desire to do the right thing by raising their children the right way but lack the training to do so. One simply cannot teach what they do not know how to do. Why? Because parents were never taught how to disciple their children. They were never given a roadmap sort of speak to lead and guide them. They simply don’t have a plan. Yes, it is true, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
Before we give up and throw in the towel, Victorious Family can help. We help families to flourish. Victorious Family has helped families on five continents to flourish by training and coaching church leaders and parents on how to implement one of the most powerful and transformational parenting discipleship called Charting Your Family’s Spiritual Journey.
Imagine, instead, a generation of your family who knows God with intimate familiarity. Kids who can tell you what they believe and why it matters. Teenagers who handle adversity with the resilient joy of Godly wisdom. A family who prays together and worships together and passes these practices along to the next generation.
For those who have a desire to become a champion for other families, the Master Family Champion certification program is designed to equip you to reproduce that growth.
- Passionate about the growth and development of families
- Prepared to serve as a guide, encourager, and catalyst to help parents train and instruct children in the Lord
- Certified through Victorious Family’s Master Family Champion training program
- Train in the use of the parenting curriculum – Do Your Children Believe?
- Get started
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