Take the Next Step!
From one question, Are the children prepared to defend their faith after high school? Wanda and Terence started on a journey that would change their lives and others. Little did they know, 21 years later, they would provide family discipleship training for over 100,000 parents worldwide on five continents.
Terence was an executive in corporate America with The Coca-Cola Company. He decided to prioritize his marriage and family for their spiritual development. Never a thought to form an entity he set out to bring his children up in the faith and to be the primary disciple of his children. One workshop led to another, and they were off and running into thousands of churches across the country.
During this time, Terence and Wanda discovered that 75% of post high school graduates were walking away from the faith and more importantly 83% of Christian parents felt inadequate to share their faith with their children. Having led Fortune 500 companies and serving as an Elder in his local church, the Lord started him on a journey to change the tide of spiritual decay in the home. Terence and Wanda were surprised by how drawn parents were to their family discipleship process.
From their Family to thousands of families worldwide
As family champions, Terence and Wanda were deeply impacted by the teachings of Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) and discipleship training at their local church. So, the Chatmon’s saw an opportunity to reach other parents who desired a strong healthy flourishing family. Family transformation started with teaching parents how to write a written family discipleship plan for their home. Then later, they discovered that training without an ongoing coaching process would not produce the results desired so they started a Master Family Champion discipleship coaching process that extends over a three-year period. “God allows you to train a few and they multiply by training parents in workshops and coaching them over a 90-minutes virtual session monthly. A small seed planted in his home became a fruitful harvest worldwide.” quoted Terence.
Take the Next Step
Poised to take the next step, the Lord is calling the Chatmon’s through the nonprofit Do Your Children Believe, Inc aka Victorious Family to reach 9.2M families by 2025. Their Family Discipleship HomeKit and One-Day Workshops are two tools to accelerate the plan. Over time, through their Master Family Champion certification program, Victorious Family is positioned to reach millions of families in their own language with contextualized material.
Victorious Family has its sights on much more. This April 19th at the World of Coca-Cola – Next Steps – Victorious Family – they are launching a $10.3M fundraising campaign to reach the 1.4M families who desire their training workshops and discipleship coaching. As they look forward to translating their material into eight new languages – Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, Arabic, Urdo, Italian, and Portuguese many more parents can be reached worldwide. “The border has no boundaries as we build a virtual platform to reach millions across the world.” says Terence Chatmon.
They built Victorious Family on Christian values and encouraged organizations such as Focus on the Family, FamilyLife, and thousands of Churches to jump on board. Now through their MyGiving with NCF – Donate (force.com) (Giving Fund) they are asking people and foundations to get involved in this transformational work of the family. One family at a time through one family discipleship plan at a time.
With your help and financial support families nationwide and beyond can begin to flourish.
Join Us in Atlanta, GA April 19th.
Victorious Family is inviting you to join Terence and Wanda on April 19, 2023. They will host an anniversary gala and vision dinner at the World of Coca-Cola in Atlanta, GA, to celebrate the impact of the past five years but also to share where the Lord is calling Victorious Family to “Take the Next Step!” Together we can shift the tide of family decay in our nation.
Prioritize this Distinct Experience. Reserve your seat or table today at Take the Next Step Tickets, Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 6:00 PM | Eventbrite
P:S Victorious Family HomeKit – Family Home Kit – Victorious Family
church dinner events family family discipleship gala grandparents parenting parents things to do World of Coca-Cola
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