Family Discipleship Articles
05 Jan

Take the Next Step

I’m up late to write you this important personal letter so that absolutely nothing interrupts me. For the past 50 years we have seen a significant decline in the biblical worldview of the family. What happened? The truth and fundamental principles and values of the family are under attack from mainline and social media, our..

14 Dec

Culture of Isolation Impacting the Family?

  • December 14, 2022
  • Terence Chatmon

A tidal wave of crisis has been forming for decades. The storm will continue unless we equip a generation to reach a generation! We are seeing change on the horizon. “There arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that He had done” (Judges 2:10 ESV). Future generations of..

09 Dec

30-Day Challenge

We don’t want something from you, but for YOU. In fact, were sending this letter to give you a gift! The Gift of Hope for the family. During the past weeks in various gatherings and social media articles a recurring theme emerges… Our Young Families Have Lost Their Way! Is this true? People are deeply..

22 Nov

Why Family Discipleship in America is Critical

  • November 22, 2022
  • Terence Chatmon

Why Family Discipleship in America is Critical to the Church at Large Home – Victorious Family Strengthen the Family Leaders for healthy spiritual growth. While evangelism has accomplished the good and important work of bringing people to Christ, there now exists a significant gap between the staggering number of new Christians and the number of..

26 Oct

The Rise and Fall of Every Major Empire

Carle Clark Zimmerman, a notable Harvard University sociologist and eminent professor, once studied the rise and fall of every major empire in world history especially Greece, Rome, Europe, and America, but also Egypt, China, and India). More specifically, he traced what happened to the family in each of these empires. He concluded that families go..

19 Oct

Prayers for the Family

  • October 19, 2022
  • vfam

Prayers for Family from Victorious Family Praying the right prayers for family, hope, and encouragement can seem hard. Victorious Family would like to bless you with a list of prayers to help you and your family. 7 Prayers for Family, Hope, and Encouragement Difficult times strike when you least expect them and getting through them..

05 Oct

Never on Cruise Control

There are spiritual battles at every stage of life. Children growing into adulthood struggle with identity, purpose, and trust in authorities of their life, especially divine authority. Life’s middle years demand focus on work, family, and many practical matters. Our later years bring declining health, the loss of independence, and a sense that the biggest..

09 Sep

Many people hope to be remembered

Many people hope to be remembered… In Matthew 26:6-13, the Bible records the following: “While Jesus was in Bethany in the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to him with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. When the disciples..

17 Aug

Terence Chatmon on FamilyLife Today

Victorious Family’s Blog about a new coaching certification program to help families to flourish. Other coaching programs are great, but none focus entirely on how to disciple families, particularly parents in the task of reaching their children with the gospel message. I was surprised to learn that one thought leader had figured out how to..

21 Jul

Repair the Tear in the Fabric

  • July 21, 2022
  • Terence Chatmon

Would you be of the belief that Decades of moral and spiritual decay have left our foundations crumbling? Our families are in disarray and our homes are broken, and we continue to lose ground at an alarming rate. We hear many claims that Christianity and the Church are the answer, but I submit to you..