Family Discipleship Articles
05 Jul

God, Sex, and Your Marriage

What makes a great sex life for married couples? Check out our latest interview on YouTube with Dr Juli Slatery and Terence Chatmon What Makes a Great Sex Life for Married Couples? – YouTube Many Christian books talk about sexual issues within broader works on marriage, but few resources comprehensively and biblically guide couples on..

18 Jun

Happy Father’s Day

Ephesians 6:4, “Fathers,[b] do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” I’ve been doing a lot of research and study of the fatherhood in America.  One thing I’ve discovered is that, more than anything else, and no matter the kind of father you are, there is..

28 May

I’m Talking about Life

The part that makes our individual testimonies so fascinating is that while each one centers around a single nucleus—personal relationship with Jesus Christ—every story is still entirely unique. It’s our own. No two of these spiritual journeys—like no two snowflakes, or fingerprints, or Sunday morning talk show opinions—are ever quite the same. Our families are..

16 May

Invest in Families

Over five years ago, I read in Victorious Family’s Blog about a new coaching certification program to help families to flourish. Other coaching programs are great, but none focus entirely on how to disciple families, particularly parents in the task of reaching their children with the gospel message. I was surprised to learn that one..

07 Apr

Victorious Family Prayer – Join Us!

“I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing” -John 15:5 Last night during my devotional prayer session, I spent time reflecting on the condition of families across the globe. I was overwhelmed by the..

22 Mar

The Road to Victory begins at Home How would you describe the home you grew up in? Was it a place full of love, stories and cherished memories? For some that was the case, and for others it was quite the opposite. We can all agree, the direction of our life was significantly shaped by..

15 Mar

Charting the Spiritual History of Your Family

  • March 15, 2022
  • Terence Chatmon

I have an aunt who loves genealogy. She’s the relative who shows up at family reunions with all the collated handouts to distribute or with full albums of old photographs to lay across the picnic tables, tagged by specific names and dates. Imagine her delight when, as part of her digging around for bits and..

01 Mar

Family Matters in the Wake of a Pandemic

  • March 1, 2022
  • Terence Chatmon

Family Matters in the Wake of a Pandemic A look at how Covid-19 has Impacted Families March 2020 marked the beginning of an alteration of life as we once knew it. The rumors of a deadly virus that originated on the other end of the world made its way to the United States and began..

11 Feb

Victorious Family Workshop Orlando

Charting your family’s spiritual journey is essential for making a lasting impact on the spiritual lives of your (grand) children. Register for our Orlando, FL workshop at – Charting Your Family’s Spiritual Journey Tickets, Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite About this event Charting your family’s spiritual journey is essential for making a..

04 Feb

The Honor of Parenting

Dear Dad and Mom, When I was young, you taught me to pray, find direction and comfort in God’s Word, and to love the Lord Jesus as My Savior. Thank You. This is the Legacy every Christian parent desire most. We teach our kids many valuable life skills, but to introduce them to the one..