Become a Master Family Champion
Category: leader
31 Jan

Become a Master Family Champion

Do you wholeheartedly believe that every believer is called to be an agent of transformation? Do you believe God wants to use us to bring His transforming power to our families, church, communities, and nations? I could not be more excited as I see Family Champions embrace with passion and urgency this God-given calling to..

23 Jan

Two Ordinary People Called to Reach Millions

  • January 23, 2023
  • vfam

Take the Next Step! From one question, Are the children prepared to defend their faith after high school? Wanda and Terence started on a journey that would change their lives and others. Little did they know, 21 years later, they would provide family discipleship training for over 100,000 parents worldwide on five continents. Terence was..

17 Aug

Terence Chatmon on FamilyLife Today

Victorious Family’s Blog about a new coaching certification program to help families to flourish. Other coaching programs are great, but none focus entirely on how to disciple families, particularly parents in the task of reaching their children with the gospel message. I was surprised to learn that one thought leader had figured out how to..

07 Mar

Being others-focused: VFBlog Part 4

  • March 7, 2021
  • Terence Chatmon

My friend, we are ending our four-part series with a lesson that continues with the idea of being “others-focused.” In summary, our first three lessons in Servant Leadership and Parenting have been: Listen with a Godly heart from Acts 15 Encourage the Dreams of Others from Ruth 2-3 Add Value to People  from Genesis 24..

04 Mar

Add Value to People: VFBlog, Part 3

  • March 4, 2021
  • Terence Chatmon

If we hope to carry the mantle of godly leadership, then we must always walk with an “others” sort of focus. After all, God tells us in Mark 12:30-31 to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment...

01 Mar

Encourage the Dream in Others: VFBlog, Part 2

  • March 1, 2021
  • Terence Chatmon

My friends, I hope you have been challenged by my last blog post in this last week and you have made an attempt at making harmony where there was conflict in your life. As we continue in our series on how God’s Word guides us on the path to godly leadership and parenting, today’s lesson is..

26 Feb

Listen to Your Heart: VFBlog, Part 1

  • February 26, 2021
  • Terence Chatmon

Leaders will, at one point or another, face conflict. It doesn’t matter where you lead —at home, at church, at the office —the very nature of taking a stand and forging a path puts you in the line of fire. Even so, living in harmony with the brethren is a clear command in Scripture –..